What kind of gear can I sell or trade in?
We buy used guitars, basses, drums, amps, keys and MIDI, folk and traditional instruments, recording gear, effect pedals, DJ gear, live sound equipment and more.
However, the following items do not qualify for trade-in:
Acoustic pianos, instrument cables, power cords, custom-built cables or snakes, copyrighted material (software, books, videos and DVDs), computers and consumer electronics, snakes and switching systems, analog tape recorders, wireless units, guitar parts, strings, drum sticks and drum heads, upright acoustic basses, large recording and live sound mixers, studio furniture, lighting gear, drum hardware (low end), turntables (other than Technics), stand-alone digital hard disk recorders, DAT and CD recorders, and band and orchestra instruments.
***View Exclusions and Limitations Below
Products from the following manufacturers are excluded from discount
offer: A Designs, ADAM, ADAM Audio, Aguilar, Allen & Heath, Alvarez,
Ampeg, Antelope Audio, Apogee, Apple, Arturia, Ashdown, Ashly Audio,
Avantone, Avid, BAE, Barefoot Sound, Beetronics FX, Blackstar, Bose, Boss,
Burl Audio, Caparison Guitars, Catalinbread, Chapman, Crate, Cusack Music,
D'Angelico, D.W. Fearn, Dangerous Music, Dean Markley, Deering, Duesenberg
USA, Earthquaker Devices, Earthworks, Electro-Harmonix, Elysia, Empress
Effects, Epiphone, Ernie Ball Music Man, EVH, Fender, Fender Custom Shop,
FOCAL, Focusrite, Fostex, Friedman, Fulltone, Fulltone Custom Shop,
Gallien-Krueger, Gibson, Gibson Custom, Godin, Golden Age Project, GoPro,
HeadRush, Heritage Audio, iConnectivity, ISP Technologies, iZotope, JHS
Pedals, Johnson, Keeley, Kemper, Korg, Kramer, Kurzweil, Kush Audio,
LaChapell Audio, Lag Guitars, Lakland, Lauten Audio, Lewitt Audio Microphones, Lindell
Audio, Lucida, Mackie, Manley, Marshall, Martin, Meris, METRIC HALO,
Millennia, Milkman Sound, Mojave Audio, Moog, MOTU, Native Instruments,
Neumann, Nord, Novation, Orange Amplifiers, Paiste, Pettyjohn Electronics,
Phoenix Audio, Primacoustic, PRS, Palatino, QSC, Radial Engineering,
Randall, Rane, Reloop, Reverend, RME, Rockett Pedals, Roland, Roland
Cloud, Royer, Ruach Music, S.E. Shires, Savannah, se Electronics, Seagull,
Sennheiser, Sequential, SERATO, Shure, Slate Digital, Slate Pro Audio,
Slate Media Technology, Softube, Soundbrenner, Source Audio, Spector,
Squier, Steinberger, Steven Slate Drums, Strandberg, Studiologic, Supro,
Suzuki, Taylor, Teenage Engineering, Telefunken, Teletronix, The Loar,
Toft Audio Designs, Tone King, Tube-Tech, VHT, Voodoo Lab, Vox, Walrus
Audio, Wampler, Warm Audio, WESTONE, Xotic Effects, Yamaha, ZT, Zvex.