One of the most rewarding aspects of playing an instrument is learning new and exciting chords and songs to add to your repertoire. With sheet music and scores, you'll have no trouble expanding your musical knowledge, making yourself a better overall player in the long run. Think of sheet music and scores as the world's most accomplished teachers who just happen to be available to you 24/7.
When the inspiration to learn hits, you can simply reach into your collection and before you know it, you'll be playing a brand new song or style. Best of all, with such a wide selection of sheet music and scores available here, you'll easily be able to find exactly what you want to play. So the most important question is what kind of music are you looking to play? Are you a guitarist that is seeking out the basics? If so, you'll definitely want to check out options such as the Hal Leonard Guitar Chords Poster, or the Walrus Productions Guitar Chord Poster, each of which offers you easy access to variations on all the major chords. Another great option available here is the Hal Leonard Teach Yourself to Play Guitar Book, which gives you the tools and building blocks required to go from a beginner, to a serious guitar virtuoso. Maybe you're a musician who is looking to learn some of their favorite songs? In that case, you may be interested in the Hal Leonard Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume 1 & 2 Piano, Vocal, Guitar Songbook. More of a Neil Young fan? The Hal Leonard Neil Young Greatest Hits Piano-Vocal-Guitar Songbook might be right for you.
If the dramatic flamboyance of Queen is more up your alley, grab the Hal Leonard Queen - Deluxe Anthology Piano, Vocal, Guitar Songbook. You can even get books like the Hal Leonard The Best Fake Book Ever 4th Edition that feature a wide assortment of artists, styles, and songs! You can always learn something new with your instrument. Whether you're playing guitar, piano, bass, or any other instrument, you'll find the sheet music and scores here that are just what you need.