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Just like the original Mosrite fuzz pedal circuit, the Catalinbread Fuzzrite Germanium includes two NOS PNP germanium semiconductors with a polarity inverter IC so it plays nice with all forms of power. Unlike the original, a toggle switch has been added to shift into modern mode, significantly beefing up the low-end content to suit more contemporary rigs.
Open Box Catalinbread Fuzzrite Ge Germanium Fuzz Effects Pedal Level 1 Black
Open Box Catalinbread Fuzzrite Ge Germanium Fuzz Effects Pedal Level 1 Black
Open Box Catalinbread Fuzzrite Ge Germanium Fuzz Effects Pedal Level 1 Black

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  • asked byJnj


    How many mA does it draw??!

    How many mA does it draw??!

    Open Reply - Gear-Support
    I’m sorry, I don’t know. It requires a 9v adaptor.