
collapse expand iconDescription

The Behringer CP3A-M mixer is a Eurorack module that authentically recreates the analog circuitry of iconic 1970s modular mixer modules, giving you flexible mixing and patching options with the warm, organic sound of analog. With 4 input channels equipped with individual level knobs, you can blend and balance up to 4 audio sources. Dual 4-point patchbays provide flexible signal routing, letting you multiply and send your signals to multiple destinations. The CP3A-M's transistor-based circuitry colors your audio with the richness and texture of vintage gear. And the passive master output lets you control the final output level. Whether you're looking to mix sound sources or experiment with creative patching, the CP3A-M mixer brings old-school modular functionality to your Eurorack system.

Blend Any 4 Eurorack Modules

The Behringer CP3A-M mixer puts control over your modular synth's tone right at your fingertips. With 4 input channels, simply connect your oscillators, sequencers, filters or other modules to the 3.5mm jacks, then dial in the perfect blend with the dedicated volume knobs. Want more aggression from your oscillator before hitting the filter? Turn it up. Wish your arpeggiator stood out more? Give it a boost. The CP3A-M makes mixing your modular rig easy, creative and fun.

Creative Patching With Dual 4-Point Multiples

Patching is at the heart of modular synthesis and the CP3A-M facilitates complex patching with its dual 4-point patchbays. These passive multiples let you take any output signal and route copies of it to up to 4 destinations at once. You can send your oscillator tones to several filters for layered filtering effects, route a sequence to multiple sound sources or create feedback loops by patching a channel output back into its input. The 4-point multiples unlock creative options for manipulating your audio.

Vintage Transistor Circuitry for Organic Analog Tone

The CP3A-M uses transistor-based circuitry that imparts the lush, organic sound associated with iconic vintage mixers. The analog signal path and components add warmth, musicality and subtle saturation, bringing your audio to life. Whether you're blending synthesizers, processing external instruments or just experimenting with creative patching, the CP3A-M gives your sound the richness of yesteryear.

Passive Master Output With Level Control

A passive master output lets you control the final output level of the CP3A-M mixer module. Simply turn the master gain knob to boost or attenuate the overall output signal. This gives you convenient control over the module's output into your Eurorack system or monitors. Dial in the right level for unity gain or boost the output for more saturation.

Behringer CP3A-M Mixer Eurorack Module
Behringer CP3A-M Mixer Eurorack Module
Behringer CP3A-M Mixer Eurorack Module

collapse expand iconFeatures

  • 4 3.5 mm input channels each with its own input knob to allow users to adjust the volume of incoming signals
  • Two pairs of outputs, one positive and one negative
  • A passive Master Gain knob for overall control of the CP3A-M’s output volume
  • Transistor circuitry to add character to your mix
  • Dual 4-point multiple circuits

collapse expand iconSpecs

  • 30 mA +12V
  • 30 mA -12V
  • 0 mA 5V
  • 35 mm deep

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