
collapse expand iconDescription

The iZotope Audiolens desktop app makes track referencing and comparison easy. It analyzes audio from any streaming platform or audio source. Pair Audiolens with Neutron 4 and Ozone 10 to utilize Al matching technology for your own mixes and masters.
iZotope Audiolens
iZotope Audiolens
iZotope Audiolens

collapse expand iconFeatures

  • Helps you to visualize, compare, and match your favorite reference tracks and sounds
  • Automatically populates saved referenced targets to Ozone 10 and Neutron 4
  • In Ozone 10, run the Al-powered Moster Assistant to match the tone, dynamics and width profiles of the desired track to your own master
  • Quickly match characteristics within the mix of your own track in Neutron 4

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Operating Systems
  • Mac: macOS Big Sur 111.7.xl–macOS Monterey 112.5.xl *
  • * Supported on Intel Macs & Apple silicon Macs in Rosetta 2 and native
  • Windows: 10–11
  • Referencing workflow and target library operates with the following products:
  • Ozone Elements (version from Nov. 23, 2022 onwards), Ozone 10 (Standard and Advanced), Neutron Elements and Neutron 4

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