Specialty Drums

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When most people think of drums, they think of the standard drum kits they see on stage at some of their favorite music venues - a snare and hi-hat, some toms, a bass drum, and some cymbals. But there's a whole other drumming world out there just waiting to be discovered. With so many amazing specialty drums out there, you can create sounds and rhythms you never thought possible. When you're searching for the perfect specialty drums for you, it's important to take some time to figure out the features and sounds that you're looking for.

Taking some time to plan ahead can make the entire selection process far more straightforward. One of the more popular options available here is the Tama 2-Piece High-pitch Octoban Set. These drums provide some seriously progressive percussion, and are favorites of legends like Mike Portnoy and Stewart Copeland. With the ability to change their pitch through shell length as opposed to diameter, these drums are a must for any dedicated performer. Maybe you're more a fan of the djembe? If so, you'll love options such as the Freestyle Rope Tuned Ashiko Drum or the Freestyle Mechanically Tuned Ashiko Drum, both from toca. These traditional African drums offer wonderful low end rhythms and are perfect for drum circles.

The sound chamber in these drums allows them to resonate while being played from a sitting position, so you're sure to be comfortable when you play. The major difference between these two drums is the tuning method - one is mechanically tuned while the other is rope tuned. Tuning style is a matter of personal preference, and both of these drums are fantastic options. And that's only scratching the surface in the world of specialty drums. Whether you're looking for a roto tom, a log drum, a kalani, or something altogether different, we've got everything you need right here.