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When choosing speakers and power amps for permanent installation, you obviously want to make sure that the first choice you go with is the right one. Thankfully, you can take comfort in knowing that modern installed speakers and power amps have never been so versatile and high in sound quality. Whether you're decking out a coffee house for an acoustic performance or rigging a bandshell for the next big summer rock festival, this catalog is bursting with top-notch installed sound options from the world's most trusted audio brands. Before installing speakers, there are a few things to consider. For one, is your location inside or outside? If it's outside, you have to make sure that your equipment is immune to any sudden weather changes. Another thing to think about is the square footage of your location. After all, a small pub wouldn't require the same speakers as a large park.

Of course, you'll have no problem finding what you need if you just stick to this selection. In fact, some speakers are even made to handle both indoor and outdoor applications, including the JBL Control 30 Three-Way speaker. Featuring high-power components to achieve a high-fidelity performance, this compact 10" loudspeaker ensures a smooth frequency response over your entire listening area. Plus, its grille is thermoset composite coated to stand up against UV and humidity, and backed with WeatherMax multi-layer foam to block any entrance of water. Now if it's a power amp that you're after, then go with the Bose Packlite. Made specifically for instruments that want more headroom and increased output in the deep bass range, the PackLite can power up to two extra B1 bass modules and one additional B2 bass module. For those who need more oomph on the floor, the Bose PackLite power amp is the answer you've been waiting for. With so many stunning choices to pick from, discussing everything would take all day, so feel free to browse through the other items in this section as well. Whatever you're looking for, you can bet that today's installed sound options are seemingly endless, so the perfect solution for you will be easy to find.