Humidifiers for Orchestral Strings

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The playability and sound quality of your orchestral stringed instrument will depend greatly on the proper care and attention you give to it, and this most certainly includes storing it in a temperature controlled environment. This is why it's important to own humidifiers for orchestral strings. If your instrument is too dry, the wood can crack; if the instrument is too moist, it can expand and become heavier. A humidifier will ensure that the temperature of your orchestral stringed instrument is exactly where it needs to be to continue sounding and playing great.

So which orchestral stringed instrument do you play? That will be the deciding factor in the humidifier you ultimately choose. For example, the Stretto Cello Humidifier with Digital Hygrometer is a complete humidification system for your cello, and it also just happens to be one of the best sellers in this section. Or, if the violin is your instrument of choice, go with the Dampit Violin Humidifier. Featuring a superior soft rubber sleeve and a special open cell sponge, this model is very easy to use and a handy humidity gauge is included.

Double bass players also have excellent options to choose from on this page. For one, there's the Glaesel GL-3868 Bass Humidifier. This popular seller will protect your double bass from excessive dryness and with zero hindrances. In fact, the same can be said for the Dampit Bass Humidifier. Similar to their Violin model, Dampit has included instructions and a humidity gauge with this humidifier and it's more than capable of providing long term protection from cracks and warps.

By now you're probably confident that you're in the right place for an orchestral string humidifier. From Dampit and Glaesel to Stretto, Super Sensitive and Tempo Cases, these companies have each earned solid reputations for their instrument humidifiers. To put it simply, humidifiers for orchestral strings are essential accessories to own for anyone who is serious about their performance, and each of the humidifiers here will do exactly what you expect of them.