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Based on research conducted between FAW and the audio research group at Maynooth University, Circle² brings you a new type of synthesis: Vector Phase Shaping. Completely unique to Circle².

Fully Re-written Audio Engine
Circle² comes with a fully re-written audio engine. Better tone with improved low-end depth and increased high frequency clarity. New factory sounds packed full of future leaning sounds.

Retina Ready
Circle²'s interface is fully retina display ready. Brings a vibrancy and clarity that is unseen in other software instruments.

Design Sounds Visually
Simply move the color-coded circles around the interface to start creating your own unique sounds. Preview a connection by hovering a circle beneath a knob. Explore sound in an intuitive way.

Redesigned Interface, Improved Workflows
Taking the key concepts of the first version, we have improved the workflow and user experience in Circle². Find the required sounds effortlessly using the new preset browser.
Future Audio Workshop Circle2 Synthesizer Software Download
Future Audio Workshop Circle2 Synthesizer Software Download
Future Audio Workshop Circle2 Synthesizer Software Download

collapse expand iconFeatures

  • Vesctor Phase Shaping synthesis
  • Fully re-written audio engine
  • Retina display ready
  • Color-coded parameters for visual sound design
  • Improved the workflow and user experience