Effects Plugins
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A common roadblock in studio recordings is intonation and timing issues either from the vocalist or instruments being played. The Antares Auto-Tune 7 Native software plug-in corrects and modifies these issues without distortion while keeping all the distinctions of the original performance. Celemony Melodyne Editor 2 software is another option that allows manual or automatic correction of these types of errors while also adjusting harmonies and rhythm. These types of plug-ins allow the user to modify anything from volume, vibrato, and spectrum while performing in-depth editing of each note. By making pitch shifting and correction simple and efficient, getting that perfect recording is more efficient. If you need even more effects to work with, some programs cover every aspect of digital audio production and enhancement from tracking, editing, mixing and mastering. BBE Sonic Sweet Signal processing software includes plug-ins that restore a signals natural clarity, an enhancer for low and high frequencies, and another that smooths and tightens tracks. The Waves Musicians 2 Native software is a good option for mixing and mastering needs that has additional plug-ins specific to for guitars, vocal compressions and full mixes. Effects plugins are an advanced and professional option that's revolutionizing how audio is being recorded and edited. By opening up new levels of sound manipulation and fine-tuning, its easier, quicker and more cost-effective to create your next chart-topping hit.