DJ & Remix Software

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Many DJs would agree the difference between a good performance and a great performance comes down to equipment. The more options you have to create unforgettable tunes, the better your act will be. Whether you’re remixing a song in studio, or working a live gig or dance club, your main goal is to ensure everyone is rocking to the beat and enjoying the music. DJ & remix software can be a major contributor in making your act a hit.

Most people think of a DJ as simply someone who simply keeps the music going. In today’s competitive market, a good DJ needs to do much more to keep everyone on the dance floor. With advanced DJ and remix software, you can perform a multitude of impressive tasks like recreate live tracks, juggle beats, make quick remixes, perform real-time looping, cueing, scratching stuttering or digital effects just to name a few features. Many packages also allow MIDI control input, timeline editing and even lighting options. Anything you need to keep the party going these user-friendly software packages can help to make it happen.

There are a number of excellent choices in DJ software depending on what your needs are and the audience you’re performing for. If you are looking for a comprehensive package with a wide variety of tricks, Native Instruments Tracker Scratch Pro has several options for both studio and club use. With the ability to connect up to four turntables at once, this software lets you perform live remixing, gives you access a powerful loop suite, make your own remix sets and access to frequency-specific waveforms for easy song identification. As well, If you want the added function of an exciting light and effect show with precision audio, the VenueMagic Express Show Control software has all the effects you need to create a memorable act, from rain and thunder sounds to flashes of light.

When considering DJ and remix software, it’s important to know that one isn’t better; it’s simply a matter of deciding what will most appeal to your audience. With a top-notch software package in your DJ-ing bag of tricks, you’ll be cranking out the hits night after night.