Compressors & Limiters

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Whether you want to add a bit more bite to a guitar solo or even out the volume when recording a vocal track, compressors and limiters take care of any sound issues that may pop up in the studio quickly and effectively. They're also an essential piece of equipment to have on stage - compressors and limiters can help your music sound infinitely better in front of a live audience. How does a compressor/limiter work? Simply put, compressors and limiters take the guesswork out of volume control by automatically adjusting sound levels based on the thresholds that you select. The result? Sound that is smooth, clear and optimized to your specifications.

Manley, Lindell Audio, Radial Engineering, all the top brands are here. If you want to kick your sound into overdrive, this line-up of compressors and limiters is up to the challenge. Because we offer such a wide variety of compressors and limiters, you may want to start your search with the best sellers. Check out the Galaxy Audio DSPOT DS-CP22 Compressor Limiter. A great piece of gear for musicians who often play the same venues, the DS-CP22 is equipped with user-defined presets that can be saved to internal or removable drives. This definitely cuts down on setting up your audio equipment at your next gig.

Maybe you want to add more punch to your studio mixes? If that's the case, consider the BBE MaxCom Dual-Channel Compressor. The first signal processor to feature an onboard BBE Sonic Maximizer for improved clarity, this BBE MaxCom includes two independent compressors with each channel having its own controls for threshold, ratio, attack time and release time. It's compact, easy-to-use and has a straightforward layout that simplifies both stage and studio audio setup.

And your compressor and limiter options doesn't end with this small sampling, so spend some time browsing through the entire section - you won't be disappointed with what you see. When you add any one of these compressors and limiters to your rig, you're setting yourself up for success on stage, in the studio and anywhere else there's music to be made.