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Release Date:07/13/2018;Notes:Vinyl LP pressing. 2017 release. Gullah comes from West African language and means a people blessed by God. Ranky Tanky translates loosely as Work It, or Get Funky! In this spirit this Charleston, SC based quintet performs timeless music of Gullah culture born in the southeastern Sea Island region of the United States. South Carolina natives Quentin Baxter, Kevin Hamilton, Charlton Singleton, and Clay Ross first came together in 1998, fresh out of University, to form a seminal Charleston jazz quartet... joined with celebrated vocalist Qiana Parler. The Gullah lyrics and melodies that Ranky Tanky uses range from traditional spirituals, to children's rhymes and dance music. Ranky Tanky's use of instruments like the electric guitar and trumpet are novel additions to Gullah music, which was historically performed using only a cappella voices and body percussion.
Ranky Tanky - Ranky Tanky

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