5+ String Bass Pickups

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If you've come to this section, then chances are you're not the kind of bassist who settles for the status quo. Choosing the extended range of a 5+ string bass is one step to setting yourself apart, and looking into custom 5 string bass pickups is another. Those are two steps you've made on the path toward creating a really unique instrument. Maybe you're building a new axe from scratch, or retrofitting an older model with a refreshed pickup set to breathe new life into its tone. Either way, you're more than welcome here - by taking the initiative to check out your options, you've shown that you're a special breed of bassist, so how about taking the next step by picking up a set?

It's only natural to wonder where to start browsing through all the pickups in this section. First things first: filter down the list based on whether you're looking for 5-string or 6-string models. Then, you might start by browsing traditional pickup designs like the Basslines SJ5-3S Quarter-Pounder Pickup for 5-String Jazz Bass Set. Keep in mind that pickups are usually designed to fit a specific style bass, so you can use that to narrow down the selection even further. You'll also have your choice between passive and active pickups, which can come down to personal preference or knowing which is best suited to your amplifier.

One trend in the modern bass community that we can really get behind is the soapbar pickup craze. Bartolini has a ton of these to choose from, including the Classic Bass Series 5-String Bass P2 Soapbar Dual Coil Bridge Pickup. There's even a split model for a P-Bass using such a setup: the Bartolini Original Series Bass 5-String P Bass Deep Tone Single Coil Pickup. Soapbar pickups can be either passive or active models so you can customize to your tastes, and they definitely give your bass a distinctive look in addition to sounding great.

Traditional or soapbar bass pickups - the choice is yours. With the 5+ string bass pickups available here, building an extended-range axe you can truly call your own might be just a few clicks (and a short install) away. They're great as upgrades from the stock pickups on a new bass guitar, for restoring a vintage bass when its pickups have seen better days, or even for retrofitting a 4-string bass as a 5 or 6-string model if you're pro at tinkering. Whatever the reason you need extended-range bass pickups, this is the place to find them.