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The Remo Emperor Coated drumhead is an industry standard for dynamic, all-purpose drum sounds. For over 50 years, Remo has crafted high-quality drumheads used by professionals worldwide, and the Emperor Coated is one of their most popular and enduring models. Constructed of two plies of 7-mil Mylar film, these durable yet responsive drumheads produce full, bright tones with solid projection. The Emperor Coated suits the needs of drummers across genres.

Coated Finish Provides Warm, Nuanced Sound

Remo coats each Emperor drumhead with a special textured finish that warms the overall tone and enhances sensitivity. The coating helps dampen undesirable overtones, allowing you to achieve subtle timbres and highly articulated drum sounds. Paired with wood or metal drum shells, the coated film generates a wide range of musical colors that shine through in recordings and live performances.

Free-Floating Plies Enable Powerful, Resonant Tones

At the heart of the Emperor Coated are two plies of 7-mil Mylar film that move independently from one another. This free-floating construction gives the drumhead liveliness and projection while also boosting its durability. The plies readily vibrate in response to your playing, producing full low frequencies, sharp attacks, and resonant tones that carry. Despite their power, Emperor Coated drumheads have a balanced, musical quality that blends well with other instruments.

Roadworthy Build Quality Provides Years of Dependable Use

Remo builds the Emperor Coated to meet the demands of frequent gigging and touring. The 7-mil Mylar plies are dense yet pliable, standing up well to aggressive drumming styles without sacrificing tone or feel. The coated finish protects the plies from minor scratches and weathering while also preventing slippage on drum rims. For drummers wanting maximum versatility and value, the Emperor Coated delivers professional quality that lasts.

Remo Emperor Coated Drum Head 15 in.