Tuning Forks

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Most musicians aren't blessed with perfect pitch, but it's for this reason that tuning forks come in handy. Whether you're a solo pianist or a brass musician in a symphony orchestra, having a tuning fork close by is ideal for when you need to make sure your instrument is, well, in tune! A quick browse of this page will make it obvious that tuning forks have come a long way - in fact, respected companies in the music world like D'Addario and Meinl each offer their own high-quality tuning fork models, both of which can be found right here in this section.

To kick off your search for a tuning fork, take a look at the D'Addario Planet Waves tuning fork. A top seller, this tuning fork is precision manufactured to provide amazingly accurate tuning. Additionally, its molded ergonomic handle makes it comfortable to hold, and it also features color-coded O rings to easily identify each key.

Now, for those who really want to see how far tuning forks have come, you owe it to yourself to check out the handcrafted masterpieces available from Meinl. For starters, there's the Sonic Energy Flower Of Life Tuning Fork: this remarkable device is specially designed to transfer the vibrations of the Flower of Life tuning into one's body. Or, turn your attention to the Meinl Sonic Energy Chakra Set Planetary Tuning Forks. This set was made in Germany using the calculations of The Cosmic Octave to match frequencies of the planets, moon and sun. In this single collection, you'll have all seven tunings for every chakra.

And there are many other tuning forks here as well, so try to spend some time in this catalog. In addition to the tuning forks themselves, Meinl also makes stylish cases to safely store your tuning fork when you're not using it. The simple truth is that every musician who takes their performance seriously will benefit from having a tuning fork in their gig bag, and the models offered here are among the best currently available.